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Happy New Year and welcome to what I know will be a fantastic 2016!

As you step into a new year you may start to think about what you would like to create and accomplish – this is a great way to start the year because without a vision we cannot create.  To help you get started, I’d like to share a quick technique I developed, that connects you with your heart, allows you to take valuable lessons from the past and create a compelling future. Please give yourself 10 minutes of quiet time to do this and make 2016 the year of you.

1. Put your hand on your heart, take three deep breaths, and think of 3 best moments of 2015.

2. As you begin to relive those great moments, think of what you are grateful for in your life right now.

3. In a state of gratitude answer the following questions:  What do you want your life to be about? What do you really want from your life?  What’s stopping you from getting it?  What are you prepared to do this year to overcome those roadblocks and move yourself towards your ultimate goal?  What are 5 things in the areas of Relationship, Finance, Work, Health and Contribution that you would like to accomplish this year?

4. After you think and visualise your answers, write them down in a manner that is positive and plausible, and feel in your body what it would feel like to accomplish them.

5. Surrender the goals to the universe and maintain the positive feelings in your body.

Please remember we are always here for you to talk through new ways of relaxing or shifting your sometimes weary minds, so feel free to come in for a chat or send us a message.  We have some amazing Modalities and Workshops planned for 2016; we are excited to welcome back Dr. Yuvraj, Master Wyson, Teya K Estar, and Kirti Bakshi to the centre in the first quarter of the year, so watch the space!

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our clients, families and friends for their continued loyal support and trust during 2015, and we look forward to raising the bar this year.

Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2016. Let’s make it one to remember for all the right reasons!

Consciously yours,
Sonia Samtani

Director, All About You Centre
January 2016