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Let’s Make It Easy to Release and Heal

These statements are intended to help us move past layers of our protection, acknowledge the truth of our shadow parts, open up our capacity to feel, release suppressed emotions, and get in touch with the deepest truth within us. The truth is, that we are all valuable...

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Confusion is an Illusion

If you think you are confused, you are probably looking at multiple options of what to do and considering them equally weighted. Perhaps one option is what you would love to do, and the other is what you think you should do. It’s likely that both have their costs and...

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Art of Balance

Just as we have opposite forces in nature, we also experience opposite states in our relationship with our environment to restore equilibrium. This means that whenever you take an extreme position, your environment will tend to balance you by going on the opposite...

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Mental Health Matters

May is Mental Health Awareness Month dedicated to raising awareness and reducing stigma surrounding mental health! Mental health affects our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, influencing every aspect of our lives. So, it's time to prioritize mental our...

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Spring; Time for new beginnings

It's encouraging to witness Hong Kong gradually becoming aware of the significance mental health and how it impacts every aspect of life, from relationships to wealth and health. For years our city has been constrained by the stigma surrounding mental health, leading...

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Happy International Women’s Month!

I am dedicating this month’s message to International Women’s Day – on March 8th - day to honor ourselves, the women in our lives, and the yin energy within all of us. One of the key messages about this day is about promoting non-violence. Violence comes in many...

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Affirmations for Self-Partnership

As we usher in the Year of the Dragon, we extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones for a joyous and prosperous Chinese New Year! We also understand that this time of the year can bring up some triggers for some people. The year has just started, it may...

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It’s Supposed to Hurt (sometimes!)

No matter what you do, you cannot prevent pain or challenges from occurring in your life. They are a natural and inevitable part of the human experience. The only thing you can do is trust that you have the resources to handle them. I have seen too often how people...

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