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Conscious Community

All About You is bringing together a community to grow, evolve, and connect.

Sonia Samtani

Facilitator: Sonia Samtani
Sonia Samtani is the Founder and Managing Director of All About You. Sonia has an inherent passion to cultivate her community and its consciousness, which is reflected in her seminars, workshops and bespoke individual consultations. She is a licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist and trainer.

We will be bringing you monthly activities for the mind, body, and spirit that unite us in a light-hearted, meaningful manner. Every activity we do will have a touch of All About You’s philosophy promoting acceptance, discernment, and conscious living.

These sessions will be led by our practitioners and will include a variety of activities.

Expanding Consciousness: A conversation with Sonia Samtani

Mindful Cinema; Exploring Consciousness through film with Louie Chan

Tarot Tales: A Collective Journey Through the Cards with Jessica Syvones