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Transforming Your Belief Systems Workshop (转变你的信仰系统研讨会) with Louie Chan

Come to experience the magical world of Hypnotherapy!

Louie Chan

Facilitator: Louie Chan
Louie Chan has a certification with EKAA (The Clinical Hypnotherapy Institute of India). He has worked with clients to heal and resolve their issues, including smoking cessation, fears and phobias, anxiety, skin rash, insomnia, loss and grief, relationships and sports performance enhancement.

Hypnotherapy is a science and has gained worldwide acceptance as a tool to support people to break habits, ease pain, reach a specific goal, or break free from persisting complaints. According to Forbes Magazine, hypnotherapy has a 93% success rate with less sessions required than both behavioral therapy and psychotherapy. This workshop will give you an insight to what hypnotherapy is, how it works, and allow you to experience the state of hypnosis through a powerful meditation to release emotional charges and thought patterns.

催眠治療有科學根據,在全球各地被廣泛承認為有效工具,協助案主戒除惡習、舒緩痛楚、達成具體目標、解決長期困擾。根據《財富雜誌》一篇報道,催眠治療的成功率高達 93%,需要的會面及治療時間更比行為及心理治療為少。你可以透過參與這個簡短的工作坊,了解何謂催眠治療及其運作原理,更有機會透過冥想的力量體驗催眠狀態,釋放負面情緒能量及思維模式。

Participants will:

  • Understand hypnotherapy and how it works
  • Learn how beliefs are created
  • Experience the hypnotic state through a powerful meditation to release emotional charges and thought patterns


  • 了解催眠治療及其運作原理
  • 獲悉個人信念如何構成
  • 透過冥想的力量體驗催眠狀態,釋放負面情緒能量及思維模式