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Practitioner Training at All About You

At All About You we provide a safe space to heal and gain life tools that can assist anyone, young or old, to experience the beauty of life and live powerfully. What makes us stand apart from any wellness centre in Hong Kong is our dedication for growth. Not only do...
Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

The concept of meditation can be somewhat confusing. Some people may think that it’s a waste of time because they believe that you simply just sit there and do nothing. Yes, you may just be sitting there and doing nothing, but there actually is a whole lot that goes...
Hypnotherapy for Sports

Hypnotherapy for Sports

When someone asks, “What makes an athlete so successful?”. Most people would probably say “Physical fitness, 10+ hours of training, healthy diet……” Yes, these factors are extremely important however, it is only one part. The full equation to athletic success is:...
Frequently Asked Questions on Hypnotherapy

Frequently Asked Questions on Hypnotherapy

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON HYPNOTHERAPY 1. What is hypnotherapy? A hypnotic trance is a state of “focused concentration” in which you are neither fully awake nor fully asleep. Hypnotherapy is a state of consciousness in which your logically analytical faculties are...
Chakra Healing/Cleansing

Chakra Healing/Cleansing

To understand chakra healing, you would first want to know what it is. As a very basic definition, a chakra is each of seven centres of spiritual power in the human body. There are 7 main chakra’s which align the spine starting from the base of the spine through the...