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Whose voice is it anyway?

If we are above 18, we may think we are all functioning adults, however we may not be functioning as an adult all the time. If you listen closely to your internal dialogue, you may find that sometimes you are telling yourself off harshly, that would be the voice of...

Don’t fix it, just be in charge!

Contrary to what many people may think, therapy is not about fixing your issues or making you act in the opposite way to what you are doing now. These misconceptions come from assuming that there is a ‘right’ way and a ‘wrong’ way of being. Therapy is about moving...

All Things Go, All Things Grow

Life continues to show us how things keep changing, be it the weather, our feelings, the price of groceries, the crypto market, or our relationships. Changes are a part of nature. Energy keeps moving, and it only becomes problematic if we perceive it to be. If we...

How To Ride The Waves Of Change

It would be quite hard for you not to have noticed that even more changes have taken place over the last 3 months. It’s probably not about the pandemic anymore, it may be volatility of the crypto market that’s impacting you, or that the people in your life are...

Step Forward Hong Kong

When you go to therapy to heal, it doesn’t mean that you are erasing the pain and trauma of the past. All of our experiences are stored in our subconscious database and we cannot delete any entry. What we can do is change our perception about our experiences, and that...