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Fast Track Technique Playshop with Jaz Goven

Join Jaz Goven for monthly online gatherings every last Thursday of the month.

Last Thursday of the month
27th April 2023
25th May 2023
29th June 2023
27th July 2023
31st August 2023
28th September 2023
26th October 2023
30th November 2023
28th December 2023
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm


Jaz Goven

We believe in the power of a healing community, and how so better than staying connected with the source than joining Jaz for these accessible monthly gatherings. As with any new technique, practice to build the muscle is key. This is an opportunity to finesse your Fast Track Technique knowledge and skills, ask questions and work on the power of Fast Track Technique for relinquishing limiting beliefs.




Online via Zoom

Dr. Peter Duchemin is a wizard and I am truly humbled, grateful, and excited with the information that was shared. I am looking forward to the next workshops and practice sessions. This workshop blew what I thought tarot was about out of the water. A beautiful, rich, multilayered 2 days that I would love to repeat.

Siobhan Maire Dumigan