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Welcome to 2018!

As we embark into the new year, I am sure many of you have desires, goals, and objectives that you wish to achieve – and I think that’s a beautiful way to get clarity and keep moving forward.  However, one of the key things to manifestation that we tend to forget is the art of letting go. So as ironic as it sounds, when you create what you want in this year also learn to be okay without getting it! If we are okay with or without our goals, our vibration changes completely from lack (which is what happens when we want something, because desires come from a place of not having) to feeling at peace, and from this space, manifestation is so much easier too!

Basically, when we learn to let go, we have more faith that we are okay without that achievement and life is working for us, then, as a result, there is less resistance to the goal and more flow. So my invitation as you start this year is: know what you want, let go of the attachment to the result, and just watch!