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Reflect, Reclaim, Rebalance Workshop with Sonia Samtani

This workshops is designed specifically for Asaya Spa at the Rosewood Hotel, as part of our Summer Series

6 August 2021
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm


Sonia Samtani

There is great power in reflection; it allows you to face where you are without blaming yourself, or making excuses.  Come to identify where you are and where you want to be, discover what’s blocking you, and learn how to prioritize to bridge that gap.

This workshops is designed specifically for Asaya Spa at the Rosewood Hotel, as part of our Summer Series. Come and enjoy the calmness of this beautiful heaven providing one of the best ambiances in Hong Kong, whilst you learn about some deep and fundamental concepts to enhancing your mental wellness.

RSVP to | +852 3891 8588


HK$ 980


All About You Centre